
Who will inherit your world?
The Connect Legal team is proactive in protecting what you value the most, creating legal structures and advice that protects you now and for future generations to come. Our team of legal advisors will ensure that you safeguard your assets through creating the right kind of trust structures, ensure that any transfer of assets or shares are done in the correct legal manner, and create a smooth process when winding up or distributing the value of a trust.
Take the stress out of protecting what you have worked so hard to achieve, talk to the Connect Legal trust team today to learn the benefits of forming a trust to protect your business and family.
Services include:
- Design and advise on new trust structures
- Advice and assistance with the administration and management of trusts
- Resettlement and variation of trusts
- Transfer assets to or from a trust
- Design trading trusts and resolve related issues in a commercial context
- Establish and administer special purpose trusts, including charitable trusts
- Review of trusts / Wind up of trusts
- Professional trustee services
- Distributions
- Tax consequences for Australian beneficiaries